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Youth Camp Program Advisory Committee

The Youth Camp Advisory committee is appointed by the HHSC executive commissioner. The committee advises the executive commissioner in the development of standards and procedures, makes recommendations to the executive commissioner regarding the content of the rules adopted to implement the Act, and performs any other functions requested by the executive commissioner in the implementation and administration of the Youth Camp Act. The advisory committee shall not exceed nine members. At least two members shall be from the general public, and seven members shall be experienced camping professionals who represent the camping communities of the state and should reflect the geographic diversity of the state in proportion to the number of camps licensed by the department in each geographic area of the state. The advisory committee meets at least annually and at the call of the executive commissioner or his designee.

Committee members shall serve for staggered six-year terms, with the terms of three members expiring on August 31 of each odd-numbered year. The committee may adopt rules for the conduct of its own activities and may elect from among its members a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, and a secretary. A simple majority of the members of the committee who are statutorily required to be appointed shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting official business. A committee member may not receive compensation or reimbursement of expenses for serving on a youth camp committee. Each committee shall annually select from among its members a chair who will serve as the presiding officer of the committee. The presiding officer of the committee shall preside over the committee. The committee is not a "governmental body" as defined in the Open Meetings Act. However, in order to promote public participation, each meeting of the committee shall be announced and conducted in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551.

Accepting New Committee Member Applications

The Youth Camp Advisory Committee will be adding three new members August 31, 2025. Please review the following informational letter and application that has details regarding the committee’s purpose and the application process. The application closing date will be March 31, 2025.

YCAC Letter (Word)
YCAC Letter (PDF)

YCAC Application (Word)
YCAC Application (PDF)

Next Advisory Committee Meeting

Meeting Date 


Meeting Information 

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

10:00 AM

Robert D. Moreton Building- M-100
1100 W 49th Street
Austin, Texas 78756

Past Meetings and Materials

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Recordings

Meeting Handouts/ Presentations

Committee Members

Youth Camp Advisory Committee Members
Name Affiliation
Ms. Michelle Mauldin             

Camp Olympia

Mr. William Rotzler   Camp Fern
Dr. Brandon Briery, Ph.D.  Children's Association for Maximum Potential (CAMP) 
Ms. Victoria Price, LMSW

Public Member, Cook Children's Health Plan  

Ms. Leah Mesches

Austin Sunshine Camps

Mr. Dan Neal 

Camp Doublecreek 

Dr. Joaquina Kankam School of Solutions
Mr. Britt Eastland Camp Mystic
Mrs. Mitzi Stoute Faniola Mentor Texas Board of Directors, Advocacy Committee Chair

Get in Touch

Licensing Mailing Address

Texas Department of State Health Services
Cash Receipts Branch MC 2003
P.O. Box 149347
Austin , TX 78714-9347
United States

Physical Address

Do Not Send Payments to this Address.
Mail received at this address containing payments will be returned to sender.

Public Health and Sanitation
Environmental Operations Branch
Texas Department of State Health Services
1100 W 49th St 
Austin, TX 78756-3199