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Texas HIV Medication Program

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The Texas HIV Medication Program (THMP) now provides insurance assistance services for eligible, uninsured people with HIV. For more information, please visit the THMP-Texas Insurance Assistance Program (TIAP).

The Texas HIV Medication Program (THMP) provides medications for the treatment of HIV and its related complications for low-income Texans. To qualify for medications, potential clients who meet eligibility criteria complete an application for assistance. Once approved, a client receives medications at an assigned pharmacy in their community.

To learn more about the THMP and find out if you are eligible, see the Frequently Asked Questions. You can apply for the program by visiting TakeChargeTexas (TCT) or downloading and completing the client application. Be sure and review the specific “application instructions” when completing the application. The application and its instructions are located on the THMP document page. If you have more questions or need assistance completing your application, call the THMP toll-free at 800-255-1090.

The THMP is the official AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) for the State of Texas. The THMP started in 1987 and provides medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of illnesses caused by HIV and other opportunistic infections in people living with HIV as prescribed by their doctor. THMP also operates the Texas HIV State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (SPAP), which helps people living with HIV who do not qualify for the full Low-Income Subsidy (extra help) with their out-of-pocket costs associated with Medicare Part D prescription drug plans, including co-payments, deductibles, coinsurance, and during the coverage gap (the "donut hole").

The Texas HIV Medication Program (THMP) will begin providing insurance assistance services for eligible, uninsured people with HIV. For more information, please visit the THMP-Texas Insurance Assistance Program (TIAP).

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Subscribe to THMP News – News about significant events for the THMP program.

Subscribe to THMP Participating Pharmacies – Updates of interest to THMP participating pharmacies.

Subscribe to THMP Eligibility – Information for ADAP Enrollment Workers (AEW) and others who assist clients in THMP application submission and their supervisors.

New Standard Deduction Amount for THMP Effective April 1, 2025

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has an important update for clients of the Texas HIV Medication Program (THMP).

The annual standard deduction amount for April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026, will be $12,403. This is an increase from the previous year’s amount of $11,177.

THMP uses a standard deduction to adjust the household income for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) applicants for eligibility purposes. THMP recalculates the standard deduction amount each year.

On April 1, 2025, THMP will review the current participants’ income eligibility at their next scheduled program recertification using this new standard deduction amount. THMP requires participants to submit recertification applications by the last day of their birth month. THMP bases the participants’ eligibility on their income at the time of recertification.

Case managers should inform impacted clients of this change.

Please review this information and contact us at 1-800-255-1090 or if you have any questions. Please do not include personal identifying information about a THMP applicant or participant via email.

Register for the TakeChargeTexas (TCT) Pharmacy Portal

The TakeChargeTexas (TCT) Pharmacy Portal rollout is now available.

Participating pharmacies must complete the Data Security and Confidentiality course as detailed in the Security and Confidentiality Training, Security and Confidentiality Course Instructions before registering for TCT access in the Enterprise Portal. Once completed, pharmacies email a copy of the certificate to

Training is available on the TCT website.

Pharmacies can request TCT access at The IAMOnline Transition Guide contains instructions to register as a pharmacy.

Please email if you have any questions about this notification, or email the TCT Help Desk at for assistance with technical issues.

Attention TCT Users: IAMOnline Replaced the Enterprise Portal

What is IAMOnline?

IAMOnline is the new HHS Identity Management Solution, replacing the HHS Enterprise Portal. It includes a simplified log-in experience with single sign-on (SSO) and streamlined access management processes.

Why do you need to know?

HHS discontinued the HHS Enterprise Portal. TCT transitioned to a new portal, IAMOnline, for access management. All TCT users, including third-party vendors, partners, providers, and non-HHS staff, must have an IAMOnline account to access TCT.

The way you log into TCT did not change. The only thing that did change is that the system directs you to IAMOnline when changing your password.

Existing external client portal users:

  • Login through the Client Portal Public Website.
  • Log into the TCT client portal website using your existing TCT username and password.
  • If you forgot your password, click the Forgot Password link to go to the IAMOnline website to change your password.
  • New client users will click Register and Apply on the Citizen User Portal to create a new account.

If you need further assistance, please email

Formulary Addition

A medication has been added to the THMP Formulary as a 90-day option:

  • Delstrigo-90 Day (doravirine/lamivudine/tenofovir), 100/300/300 mg tablets, #30 per bottle (to be ordered for 3 bottles)

The Medical Certification Form and THMP Formulary have been updated. Both can be found on the THMP documents page.

New Dosages of Three Medications Used To Treat HIV in Infants and Children Approved for Addition to the THMP Formulary

The DSHS Commissioner of Health approved new dosages for addition to the THMP formulary. These three medications treat HIV in infants and children:

  • Tivicay PD (dolutegravir) 25 mg
  • Isentress (raltegravir) 25 mg
  • low-dose Biktarvy (bictegravir 30 mg/emtricitabine 120 mg/tenofovir alafenamide 15 mg)

DSHS estimated the fiscal impact of this change with reasonable certainty based on current data related to pediatric client loads and medication usage. The estimated fiscal impact of this change is minimal, with the possibility of a resulting positive fiscal impact when compared with maintaining only the current pediatric options. Consequently, DSHS is able to support these additions within existing monies and has approved adding these pediatric medications to the formulary.

Please submit a new THMP Medical Certification Form (MCF) for any infants and children in need of these new medication doses.

Thanks to the Medication Advisory Committee for recommending these changes.