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Contractor Resources – HIV/STD Surveillance

How to Report Disease
Where and how to report HIV and STD infection.

THISIS (TB, HIV, STD, Integrated System)
Overview and help for the THISIS electronic disease surveillance system.

HIV Surveillance Online Learning
Course listing for HIV surveillance-related courses along with registration instructions.

HIV/STD Program Security Policies and Procedures
Complete list of HIV/STD Program security policies and procedures.

DSHS TB/HIV/STD Security and Database Account Management
Instructions to gain access to DSHS TB/HIV/STD data accounts.

Texas HIV Surveillance Procedure Manual
Guidelines for surveillance staff who report HIV.

HIV/AIDS Data Changes 2010
A review of the changes in data reporting for HIV and AIDS beginning in 2010.

HIV/STD Program Reports
Reports on the state of HIV and STD infection, prevention, and treatment in Texas.

HIV Core and Support Service Categories
HIV services taxonomy for data collection/reporting and unit cost calculation of HIV-related medical and support services.

Reporting Suspected Abuse and Neglect of Children
Information for health care providers.

Technical Assistance
Information for contractors.

Records Retention
DSHS guidelines for retaining records by contractors.

Meetings and Conferences
List of meetings and conferences which includes links to presentations and materials provided to participants.

HIV/STD Educational Materials
Listing of HIV/STD brochures, fact sheets, and videos available free of charge from DSHS.