Rehabilitation Services
Service Standard
Rehabilitation Services Service Standard print version
Texas Department of State Health Services, HIV Care Services Group – HIV/STD Program
Subcategories | Service Units |
Low-vision Training Services | Per visit |
Occupational Therapy | Per visit |
Physical Therapy | Per visit |
Rehabilitation Services | Per visit |
Speech Therapy | Per visit |
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Description
Rehabilitation Services provide HIV-related therapies to improve or maintain a client’s quality of life and optimal capacity for self-care on an outpatient basis, and in accordance with an individualized plan of HIV care.
Rehabilitation services provided as part of inpatient hospital services, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities are not allowable.
Services are intended to improve or maintain a client’s quality of life and optimal capacity for self-care. A licensed or authorized professional must provide services in an outpatient setting, in accordance with an individualized plan of care established by a medical care team under the direction of a licensed clinical provider. Services include but are not limited to:
- Physical and occupational therapy
- Speech pathology services
- Low-vision training
Universal Standards
Services providers for Rehabilitation Services must follow HRSA and DSHS Universal Standards 1-52 and 187-190.
Service Standards and Measures
The following standards and measures are guides to improving healthcare outcomes for people living with HIV throughout the State of Texas within the Ryan White Part B and State Services Program.
Standard | Measure |
Initiation of Care Orders: The rehabilitation agency must receive written orders from the clients’ primary HIV medical provider before initiation of care by the agency. The provider must be a licensed practitioner to include the following:
1. Percentage of clients with documentation of signed orders for rehabilitation services by a qualified licensed practitioner before initiation of care by the rehabilitation agency. |
Comprehensive Assessment: The rehabilitation agency staff will complete a comprehensive assessment within 5 business days of the referral to include:
2. Percentage of clients with documentation of comprehensive assessment within 5 business days of referral that includes the following: (Pilot Measure) a. Presenting issue b. Physical examination as applicable c. Diagnosis d. Prognosis |
Plan of Care: In collaboration with the client, staff will develop a plan of care within 10 business days of the completed comprehensive assessment. The client should sign and date the plan of care and the agency should maintain the plan in the client’s primary record. The agency will offer a copy of the plan of care to the client and document this in the client’s record. The plan of care should include:
Documentation that the plan of care is being followed will include the date therapy was received, therapy performed, and progress toward meeting objectives in the client’s primary record. Staff must review the plan of care every 6 months at minimum with updates as needed. |
3. Percentage of clients with documentation of a plan of care developed within 10 business days of the completed comprehensive assessment and includes the following components: (Pilot Measure) a. Objective for rehabilitation services b. Goals of services for client c. Type of therapy or therapies d. Estimated number of sessions e. Estimated duration of client’s need for rehabilitation services to meet goals. 4. Percentage of clients with documentation that the plan of care was reviewed every 6 months at a minimum. |
Referrals: If the needs of the client are beyond the scope of the services provided by the agency or provider, the agency or provider should place an appropriate referral to another level of care. Staff should document the referral and outcome of the referral in the client’s primary record as applicable. |
5. Percentage of clients with documentation of referrals as applicable for ancillary services necessary to meet goals. 6. Percentage of clients with documentation of the outcome of the referral. |
Transfer and Discharge: Transfer and discharge of clients from rehabilitation services should result from a planned and progressive process that considers the needs and desires of the client and the caregiver(s), family, and support network. Staff should develop a transfer plan when one or more of the following criteria are met:
Notification of Transfer or Discharge: When a client is transferred or discharged from services, agencies must:
7. Percentage of clients with documentation of a transfer plan developed in coordination with the client, caregiver(s) and multidisciplinary team, with a referral to an appropriate service provider agency as applicable. (Pilot Measure) 8. Percentage of clients with documentation of a discharge plan developed with client, caregiver(s), and multidisciplinary team as applicable. 9. Percentage of clients with documentation of notification of transfer or discharge within 5 days before the date of transfer or discharge as applicable to the following parties: (Pilot Measure) a. The client or legal representative as applicable. b. The client’s referring and attending practitioner as applicable. |
Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs, HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB). Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) National Monitoring Standards for RWHAP Part A Recipients. Health Resources and Services Administration, June 2023.
Division of State HIV/AIDS Programs, HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB). Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) National Monitoring Standards for RWHAP Part B Recipients. Health Resources and Services Administration, June 2023.
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. Policy Notice 16-02: Eligible Individuals & Allowable Uses of Funds. Health Resources & Services Administration, October 22, 2018.
Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 16, Chapter 322, Rule 322.1 Provision of Services, Physical Therapy, February 2023.