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Texas Radiation Advisory Board

The Texas Radiation Advisory Board (TRAB) reviews and evaluates state radiation policies, programs, and proposed rules. The board also makes recommendations and provides technical advice that may be required on matters relating to development, use, and regulation of sources of radiation.

The advisory board develops and implements policies that provide the public with a reasonable opportunity to appear at public meetings and speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the advisory board.

The Texas Radiation Advisory Board (TRAB) members are the state's advisors on all radiation issues. The board holds meetings to review the rules and guides and programs of the agencies that regulate radiation. Board members participate in hearings by providing expert testimony. They make recommendations about various issues and provide those to the agencies, the legislature and the governor. The Legislature created TRAB in 1961. The governor appoints members who normally serve for a term of 6 years.

Texas Radiation Advisory Board By Laws

Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 401, Sec 401.019, describes the board's purpose and mission:

The advisory board shall:

(a) review and evaluate state radiation policies and programs;

(b) make recommendations and furnish technical advice that may be required on matters relating to development, use, and regulation to the department (the Texas Department of State Health Services), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (formerly the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission), the Railroad Commission of Texas, and other state agencies; and

(c) review proposed rules and guidelines of the department, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Railroad Commission of Texas, and other state agencies relating to regulation of sources of radiation and recommend changes in proposed or existing rules and guidelines relating to uses of radiation.

Upcoming Meetings

The Texas Radiation Advisory Board (TRAB) meets quarterly, usually in Austin. TRAB meetings are Open Meetings and the public is welcome. TRAB adopted a policy for public comment on September 25, 1999.

Date Time Location Contact Disability Accommodations
Friday, April 25, 2025 10:45 AM

1100 W 49th Street
Austin, Tx 78756

Gem Naivar

(512) 942-9238

Gem Naivar

(512) 942-9238

Policy on Public Comment at Meetings

Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.0181, effective September 1, 1999, states:

The advisory board shall develop and implement policies that provide the public with a reasonable opportunity to appear before the advisory board and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the advisory board

Statement of Policy

It is the policy of the Texas Radiation Advisory Board that members of the public shall be given the opportunity to appear before the advisory board during public meetings of the board and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the advisory board.


Opportunity shall be given during each committee meeting and meeting of the whole board for members of the public to be recognized for comment on any issue under the jurisdiction of the advisory board.

  • Each agenda of the board posted in the Texas Register shall have as an item "Public Comment" which will provide individuals opportunity to comment.
  • The chair of the meeting shall designate the time during the meetings when comments shall be made and shall set the time allotted for comments. The chair will invite public comment. Persons wishing to make comments may also notify the chair in advance of the meeting.
  • Any written comments to the board shall also be made a part of record for the board meeting for which they are submitted.
  • Any oral comments made by the public shall be tape recorded as part of the official meeting tapes of the board. Member of the public will be provided a microphone for making their comments and be asked to identify themselves for the public record.
  • Minutes of the board shall note if public comment is received and note the general nature of the comment.


Membership Information

Get in Touch

Gem Naivar


Mailing Address

Texas Department of State Health Services
Radiation Control MC 2835
P. O. Box 149347
Austin , TX 78714-9347
United States