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Long-Term Care

Long-term Care Information | Texas HHS

Learn about what long-term care is and ways to determine what you need.

Long-term Care Provider Search | Texas HHS

Finding long-term care for yourself or a family member is an important task. While nothing can replace visiting a facility or meeting with a provider in person, the Long-Term Care (LTC) Provider Search can help you learn more about these providers and facilities.

Long-term Care ‘Nursing Facility Directory’ | Texas HHS

Provides a list of nursing facilities in Texas. For Alzheimer’s certified facilities, look for the words ‘Cert AlzhCapacity.’

Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)

The 28 area agencies on aging (AAA) provide services to help people age 60 and older, their family members and caregivers receive the information and assistance they need in locating and accessing community services.

Phone: 1-800-252-9240

Where to Find Help

  • Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs): They help families find caregiver support services.
    • Call: 1-855-937-2372
    • Visit online: ADRC

To learn more about programs for seniors, visit the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

Adapted from "Facing the Challenge: A Practical Guide for the Alzheimer's Caregiver." 

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s can be challenging, and caregivers often need extra support. Getting help can ensure the person with Alzheimer’s is well cared for, while giving caregivers time to rest and recharge. Here are some care options to consider as the disease progresses: