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Proposals to Include State - Added Questions on the Texas YRBS

In the interest of fairness and transparency, the Texas Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) requests that public health programs and other partners submit written proposals for adding questions to the Texas statewide YRBS. Stakeholders with interest in the survey can propose optional YRBS questions from the CDC optional question list or questions used and tested by other state YRBS programs. The Texas YRBS program can assist in the identification of such questions. The information gathered from written submissions will be used to assist the Texas YRBS coordinator, with input from the Health Surveys User Group (HSUG), in planning the Texas YRBS questionnaire and related analytical products.  

We will next accept question proposals in 2024 for the 2025 Texas YRBS. Please check back at that time. We are no longer accepting proposals for the 2023 YRBS.