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Get Texas YRBS Data

The Texas Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is a primary source for comprehensive statewide data on preventive health practices and health risk behaviors, and it is an important tool for decision-making throughout the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and the public health community. Public and private health authorities at the federal and state levels rely on YRBS data to identify public health problems, design policy and interventions, set goals, and measure progress toward those goals.

Texas YRBS Data on Texas Health Data

You can access prevalence estimates of risk factors, health indicators, and preventive health practices through the Texas Health Data query system.

Public Use Data Files (PUDFs)

PUDFs contain data for a requestor to conduct analyses on their own using the statistical software of their choosing.

To request access to a public-use data file, email the Youth Health Survey Coordinator at and include the data years you wish to obtain.

Custom Data Analysis

Custom data analyses are available by request. 

The Texas YRBS is a state-level survey. Survey results cannot be broken down into smaller geographical areas. However, they can be broken down by the following demographic categories:

  • Sex
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Age
  • Grade
  • Sexual orientation

For a custom analysis, please email your request to the Youth Health Survey Coordinator by email at Please include the following information with your request:

  • Which years of data are requested?
  • Which prevalence estimates are requested?
  • Which demographic categories are requested?

For more information about what questions were asked in a given year, visit Texas Youth Risk Behavior Survey Questionnaires.

Summary Tables

The Texas YRBS Program produces summary tables every year. The summary tables contain prevalence estimates for almost all of the questions asked in a survey year broken down by all of the demographic categories listed above. To request our Summary Tables, please send an email to the Youth Health Survey Coordinator at