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Reporting Alleged Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation at Texas Youth Camps

If a person, including any member of camp staff, a camp counselor, or camp director has cause to believe that a minor has been or may have been abused or neglected at a youth camp, then that person shall immediately make a report to one of the following agencies:


  • any local or state law enforcement agency
  • the Department of Family and Protective Services Abuse Hotline, which may be contacted at (800) 252-5400 or through the secure web site


Notification Requirement

A person making a report, to local law enforcement or the Department of Family and Protective Services, of alleged abuse or neglect at a youth camp, must also notify the Department of State Health Services' Policy, Standards and Quality Assurance Unit by phone at (512) 834-6788, by fax at (512) 834-6707, or by email at

Reporting Abuse and Neglect Form (PDF)

Abuse and Neglect Guidance Document (PDF)