TB Prevention and Care for Correctional Facilities
The Correctional TB Program provides technical assistance to all county jails and other correctional facilities covered by Chapter 89 of the Texas Health & Safety Code (the statutes) and Title 25, Part I, Chapter 97, Subchapter H (the rules) of the Texas Administrative Code. Correctional facilities must have an approved TB control plan. The Correctional TB Program also consults with correctional facilities when they have a case of TB within their facility to help identify persons with risk of exposure and to help continuity of care upon release or transfer.
For more information about ensuring continuity of TB therapy for detainees of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) see SOP 8.13.1, Appendix V.
Title | Revised |
DSHS Tuberculosis Standards for Texas Correctional and Detention Facilities | 8/30/2018 |
Correctional Forms
Title |
Correctional Facilities Forms |
- Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Correctional and Detention Facilities: Recommendations from CDC. MMWR 2006; 55 (No. RR-09, 1-44)
- Tuberculosis Case Management for Undocumented and Deportable Inmates/Prisoners/Detainees in Federal Custody Pamphlet
TB Tools for Corrections
- National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Resources
- Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center
- Texas TB Forms for Correctional Facilities
Corrections Planning Committee Meeting
- Correctional Planning Committee Action Plan
- Tuberculosis (TB) Contact Information of Health Departments for Chapter 89-Designated Facilities
- Corrections Planning Committee Action Plan Updates
- The Public Health System Framework and the CPC
- Cure TB: A Strategy for Mobile Populations
- Environmental Risk Assessment Tool for Correctional Settings
- Medical Impact and Operational Implications of TB Case Classification
- Continuity of Care Among Foreign Transfers
- Overview of Sandra Bland Act (SB 1849) and Possible Implications for Continuity of Medications
- Strategies for Release Planning for Corrections
- TB Case Presentations - Concerns and Liability
- Texas Binational TB Projects
Statutes and Agency Regulations
Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
- Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 89
- Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 81
- Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 97, Subchapter H
Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ)
- Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 501, Sec. 501.060
- Correctional Managed Health Care Policy Manual
Federal Bureau of Prison (FBOP)
- BOP TB Exposure Control Plan
- Program Statement- Infectious Disease Management, June 3, 2014
- Tuberculosis Case/Suspect Report and Referral
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
US Marshals Service (USMS)
Helpful Links
- American Correctional Association
- American Jail Association
- Bureau of Prisons
- Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Correctional Management Institute of Texas
- National Institute of Justice
- National Tuberculosis Controllers Association
- US Department of Justice
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
- Texas Association of Counties
- Texas Commission on Jail Standards
- Texas Jail Association
- Sheriffs' Association of Texas
- Texas Council on Offenders with Mental Impairments
- Texas Department of Criminal Justice
- Texas Department of State Health Services
Contact Information
Congregate Settings Team
Phone: 737-255-4300
Fax: 512-989-4010