Preventive Medicine Residency
1100 W. 49th St.
Austin, TX 78756
United States
The DSHS residency is a Public Health and General Preventive Medicine residency. Our goal is to train the next generation of public health leaders. What that means is that we focus on the art and science of population-based public health. Of note, we are not an occupational medicine program or an aerospace medicine program. And we are not a path to primary care.
Two PGY2 positions are available annually. As such, we have a total of 2 PGY2 and 2 PGY3 residents. DSHS does not offer an internship or observerships.
No, all applicants must submit the required documents through ERAS. We will only review applications submitted through ERAS. Please do not submit email, fax or mail application materials.
Normally, we begin interviews in October and attempt to complete interviews in December, although this will vary from year to year.
Texas Department of State Health Services will accept applications throughout the year until we fill. Priority is given to applications that are received by November 15th annually.
For more information on the Fellowship track, email
We look for candidates who have demonstrated an interest in population-based medicine and public health, who plan on practicing public health, who have performed well in medical school as demonstrated by their grades, dean's letter and USMLE or COMLEX scores, and who has performed well in internship or residency. We also want individuals who are eager to learn, who have a strong work ethic, who are team players and who want to have a lot of fun while they learn and work.
We review the completed application package, USMLE scores, letters of recommendation, and clinical experience. The program director letter is critical. ECFMG certificates are required for applicants who did not graduate from a U.S. medical school and the medical school must be acceptable to the Texas Board of Medical examiners.
We require the applicant to submit three (3) letters of recommendation that are no more than two years old. Letters must be submitted by the individual who wrote the letter. One letter must be written by the applicant’s current or previous residency program director. Faculty or other physicians who knows the applicant and can recommend him/her for the program from a professional perspective may submit recommendation letters. Letters from personal friends or observership proctors are discouraged.
U.S. Medical school graduates are required to have 12 months of ACGME approved clinical training before being eligible to begin our program.
Foreign medical school graduates must provide a certificate(s) of training completion as well as the name, and contact information of the Program Director of any Residency program completed.
Resident salaries are $66,150 a year for the two-year program. Residents are employees of the Texas Department of State Health Services. DSHS also provides:
We now participate in the NRMP match. Please see the NRMP website for the timeline to register, submit a rank list and match day. If we still have open positions after the Match, we will consider additional applicants for interviews.
Residents who earned their MPH prior to residency are still required to train for two years within the program. Additional advanced courses may also be required to meet ACGME requirements or to enhance training based on grades in previous MPH coursework.
Residents who enter the program with an MPH will have the opportunity for more in-depth educational experience in public health due to their availability to engage in projects and events more readily than peers who will have restrictions due to class time commitments.
Yes, if a highly qualified applicant is lacking an MPH, he/she will need to gain admission to The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston - Austin campus prior to entrance into the residency. An MPH is required for successful completion of the residency. In addition, the ACGME requires specific coursework that must be completed.
Failure to gain acceptance to the MPH program will result in withdrawal of acceptance to the Residency Program.
In most cases, no. The residency program will provide an in-state tuition reimbursement stipend for residents needing postgraduate courses in public health for graduation. Reimbursement is contingent on successful course completion with a grade of “B” or better. Courses must be required for the program and related to the resident’s individual learning plan. DSHS reimburses resident physicians in-state tuition for an MPH or required courses up to $15,000 over the 2-year residency program. DSHS does not reimburse tuition for any other degree program or for tuition exceeding the maximum allotment unless funds are available. In most years, depending on general revenue funds allocated to the residency program from the State Legislature, the program can pay out of state tuition. However, this is no guarantee.
Residents who wish for tuition reimbursement must complete the MPH program through the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston – Austin Campus.
This program has full accreditation by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
Austin is the headquarters for the DSHS Preventive Medicine Residency program. During the second year, residents will have the opportunity to take rotations in Austin and across the state. The residency program will reimburse costs associated with the travel under most situations.
We cannot sponsor visas.
Yes, all IMG applicants must be ECFMG certified at the time of the application submission.
If you have more questions, please send an email to