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Public Health Funding & Policy Committee – Public Participation

All Public Health Funding & Policy Committee meetings are open to the public. The committee publishes meeting agendas on the Office of the Secretary of State's website and DSHS Internet site nine days before meeting. 

The Committee accepts public comment at meetings. People who want to comment must complete a registration form at the reception desk before the meeting starts. The person’s name will be called by the Presiding Officer when it is time for the individual to provide comment.

  • In order to provide time to all persons wishing to speak, the Committee might choose to observe a three-minute time limit per speaker on public comments.
  • Written materials presented in conjunction with a speaker’s testimony must be provided to the registration desk at the time of registration, with the speaker’s name clearly marked in the upper right corner of page 1.
  • So that all Committee members may review the speaker’s information during the speaker’s testimony, speakers are asked to provide 9 (nine) copies of materials.
  • In general, comments are taken during the “General Public Comment” period.
  • Although the Committee generally follows the order posted on the agenda, agenda items may be taken out of order at the Presiding Officer’s discretion. The Committee may also remove or postpone an agenda item to a subsequent meeting.

For more information about participating at Public Health Funding & Policy Committee meetings, contact:

Glenna Laughlin
Texas Department of State Health Services
Division for Regional & Local Health Services
1100 W. 49th Street, Austin, TX  78756

Phone: 512-431-9642
Fax: 512.776.7590