340B Drug Discount Program
To continue ordering TB and STD medications after the transition, providers will need to register their location into PIOS. Providers must complete the required PIOS training prior to registering their location. The training is available below under "PIOS Training Sessions".
About the Program
The 340B Drug Pricing Program is a federal program requiring drug manufacturers that participate in the Medicaid drug rebate program to provide covered outpatient drugs to enrolled “covered entities” at or below the statutorily defined ceiling price. This requirement is described in Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act and codified at 42 USC §256b. The 340B Program’s purpose is to permit covered entities “to stretch scarce Federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services.” H.R. Rep. No. 102-384(II), at 12 (1992).
DSHS Central Pharmacy participates in the 340B program to purchase medication for DSHS regional clinics and partner entities serving as the public health entities for Texans.
DSHS 340B Policies and Procedures
- 2023.004 340B Patient Eligibility
- 2023.005 Covered Entity Eligibility and Central Distribution Model Participation
- 2023.006 Prevention of Diversion of 340B Medication
- 2023.007 Prevention of Duplicate Discounts
- 2023.008 Covered Entity Ordering and Inventory Tracking
- 2023.009 340B Material Breach Policy
- 2023.010 340B Database Registration, Recertification, and Review
- 2023.011 Penicillin G Benzathine Treatment
- 2023.013 340B Authorizing Official Back-up
- 2023.016 340B Roles, Responsibilities, Training and Education
PIOS Training Sessions
Session Date/Time | Registration Link |
Wed Apr 2, 2025 10:00AM CDT |
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5911023335205204568 |
Wed May 7, 2025 10:00AM CDT | https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/621626937024108379 |
Wed Jun 11, 2025 01:00PM CDT | https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5263285642424799583 |
Wed Jul 9, 2025 10:00AM CDT | https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7583516860799579998 |
Wed Aug 6, 2025 01:00PM CDT | https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/180336845704727640 |
Facility Registration
After Completing your PIOS training you are eligible to register your Facility by visiting: https://txhhs-covid.my.site.com/PIOSEnrollment/.
**all users on the registration form must have registered and completed a training above before approval of the facility and all users can occur**
if you are needing to be added as a new user to an existing facility you will need to send an email to 340B@dshs.texas.gov with:
User full name
direct email address
direct phone number
and facility you are needing access to
ALERT: Submitting a registration request for your facility and users does not automatically guarantee access to the Pharmacy Inventory and Ordering System (PIOS). The facility must already be an approved TIPP partner and/or HIV Prevention contractor with an active 340B STD covered entity registered with an applicable DSHS NOFO/grant number in HRSA OPAIS. If you complete the PIOS registration without these requirements in place, your request will be denied.
Resources/External Links