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We Are Newborn Screening

NBS Lab Team Working

Together with our partners, we operate a Texas-sized newborn screening program. It takes a large team to manage a newborn screening (NBS) program as big as Texas. Babies born in Texas receive three screening tests:

  • Picture of a footprintdried blood spot, testing for 55 genetic disorders
  • Ear used as bullethearing screening
  • picture of heart used as a bullet of sentencecritical congenital heart disease screening

We are shining a spotlight on the incredible teams working behind the scenes to ensure every baby born in Texas gets the care they need.

We encourage you to recognize your team and all the work they put into making NBS successful in Texas.

Pre-Testing Teams

Laboratory Testing Teams

Essential Support Teams

DSHS Newborn Screening Clinical Care Coordination

All Photos taken by DSHS Public Health Laboratorian Staff