Sources of professional development opportunities for new and experienced grant-seekers.
About the GDC
The Grant Development Center (GDC) provides grants education and health-related funding information for nonprofits, schools, universities, and government agencies operating in the State of Texas. The GDC replaces the Funding Information Center (1990 to 2022). The GDC is part of the Department of State Health Services Center for Public Health Policy and Practice.
The Funding Information Center (FIC) was established in January 1990 to serve as a statewide clearinghouse for funding information on HIV/AIDS-related programs. As mandated by the 1989 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Services Act (Texas Health and Safety Code, Title 2, Chapter 85, Section § 85.013 and § 85.014), the FIC researched and disseminated HIV/AIDS-related funding information to the Texas public. The Texas Legislature removed Section § 85.013 from the FIC mandate in April 2015. The scope of FIC coverage then expanded to include almost all public health interests and many social service issues.

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List of helpful DSHS data sources to support you in preparing grant proposals.
Links to free resources to help you search for grant funding opportunities.