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GDC Email Updates
GDC Email Updates are distributed to subscribers on a bi-monthly basis. Emails include grants education topics, funding opportunities, trainings, and other items of interest.
March 2025
Grants Education: Budgets
Is the budget your least favorite part of a grant proposal? Some grant reviewers look at the budget first to determine if your costs are easily understood and appear realistic. Learn more about line-item budgets and budget narratives on the Grant Writing 101 page in the "Proposal Components" section.
Free Grants Education Webinar: April 9th
Learn how to increase your grant success with powerful program evaluation at our free webinar on April 9 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Sign up here.
Summer Intern Program
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) recruits undergraduate and graduate college students as interns in private sector companies, city and county government, and state agencies across Texas. Students are in STEM fields, public health, law, public administration, business, accounting, finance, liberal arts, and communications. Learn more and submit a sponsor request form here by May 31st.
Free Medical Equipment Program
ProjectMEND offers free medical equipment for veterans and their families throughout Texas. Learn more about the requirements here.
Free Training and Resources
March 11: Tells Stories that Inspire Action | Instrumentl
March 12: Winning Grants in 2025: Adapting to Change and Strengthening Your Approach | Nonprofit Hub
On Demand: Crafting Compelling Grant Proposals | Candid Learning
Private Funding Announcements
Robert J. Kleberg & Helen C. Kleberg Foundation (March 31, 2025)
Funds for medical research; community services; arts and humanities; and wildlife conservation. Award: Previous awards have ranged from $10,000 to $750,000. Geographic Scope: Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, and Nueces Counties.
Paso Del Norte Health Foundation: 2025 Consortia Informed Programs to Address Mental Health and Substance Abuse Conditions (April 3, 2025, Letter of Intent)
Funding for programs that address gaps in mental health and substance use systems, emphasizing enhancing coordination among regional behavioral health consortia stakeholders as informed by data. Invitations for full proposals will be announced by May 15th. Award: Not specified. Geographic Scope: El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.
Paso Del Norte Health Foundation: 2025 Think.Change Initiative (April 3, 2025, Letter of Intent)
Funding for initiatives that reduce stigma and negative bias associated with mental health and substance abuse conditions. Invitations for full proposals will be announced by May 15th. Award: Not specified. Geographic Scope: El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.
Hoblitzelle Foundation (April 15, 2025)
Funding for specific, non-recurring needs of educational; social service; medical; cultural; and civic organizations. Award: $1,000 - $500,000. Geographic Scope: Dallas area.
Austin Community Foundation: Forever Austin Fund (April 25, 2025)
Funds for direct services; partnerships; and other approaches to serving Central Texas. Eligible applicants include nonprofits and governmental entities. The application period opens on March 11th. Award: 50-75 grants of $5,000 - $50,000. Geographic Scope: Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties.
Foundation for Financial Planning (April 30, 2025)
Grant funding to nonprofits whose programs reach underserved families with free, quality financial advice from Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) professionals and others who volunteer to help. Award: $5,000 - $40,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Sun Life Health Access Heroes Grant Program (April 30, 2025)
Grants for nonprofits improving health access, focusing on diabetes and oral health. Award: $25,000, $50,000, and $100,000 options. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Behmann Brothers Foundation (May 1, 2025)
Grants for nonprofits engaged in agricultural research and education; schools; healthcare; social services; and youth programs. Award: $750 - $36,000. Geographic Scope: Aransas, Bee, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, and San Patricio Counties.
TCC Gives (May 2, 2025)
Grants for community projects sponsored by current employees. Areas of interest include people; children; animals; and the environment. Award: Up to $10,000. Geographic Scope: El Paso, Texas.
Union Pacific: The Community Ties Giving Program (May 14, 2025)
Grants for nonprofits engaged in safety; workforce development; community vitality; and environmental sustainability. The application portal will open on April 1st. Award: $5,000 - $30,000. Geographic Scope: Union Pacific communities.
Virginia Hobbs Charitable Trust (May 15, 2025)
Grants for nonprofits that improve the lives of people and animals through medical research and treatment; children's initiatives; animal welfare; and arts and culture. Award: $500 - $100,000. Geographic Scope: North Texas.
Mary E. Bivins Foundation: Community Grants (May 19, 2025)
Funding focuses on providing short-term rehabilitation; long-term services and support for the elderly and their families; and sharing resources with partners addressing critical community needs. Types of support for nonprofits include project funds; building funds; and equipment (including requests from rural communities for the purchase or upgrade of an ambulance or fire truck). The application portal will open on April 2nd. Award: $5,000 - $250,000. Geographic Scope: 26 counties of Texas Panhandle.
Amarillo Area Foundation: Arts & Culture Fund Cycle (May 30, 2025)
Funds for visual and performing arts organizations for operational, programmatic, marketing, and capital expenses. Award: $5,000 - $50,000. Geographic Scope: The 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle.
Avion Takes Action (May 31, 2025)
An employee-led charitable giving fund supporting nonprofits engaged in basic needs; health care; education; veterans; and the environment. Award: Up to $5,000. Geographic Scope: One-hour radius of Corpus Christi, Texas.
East Texas Communities Foundation: Edwin A. "Blue" and Janice Owen Miller Charitable Fund Grant (May 31, 2025)
Grants for nonprofits and government entities for new projects and expansion of existing ones to benefit the Henderson County community. The application portal opens on May 1st. Award: Up to $10,000. Geographic Scope: Henderson County.
James Avery Artisan Jewelry: Forging Hope Grants (May 31, 2025)
Support for nonprofits engaged in arts programming; service to the community; and health and wellness. Award: $10,000 - $25,000. Geographic Scope: Communities within 50 miles of a retail or corporate location.
The Powell Foundation (May 31, 2025, Pre-application)
Grants for nonprofits and government agencies focused on education and supportive communities. Award: $500 - $490,000. Geographic Scope: Harris, Travis, and Walker Counties.
Greater Fayette Community Foundation: Rural Community Health Fund Grant (Portal opens June 1, 2025)
Funding to support community-based organizations, resident-led community networks, and grassroots initiatives that align with the grant program's mission and objectives. Priority is given to projects that address healthcare access and outcomes, focusing on rural populations and vulnerable communities. Award: $1,000 to $25,000. Geographic Scope: Bastrop, Caldwell, East Williamson (includes Taylor, Thrall, Coupland, Bartlett, and Granger), and Hays Counties.
RedRover Relief: Domestic Violence Safe Housing Grants (June 1, 2025)
Funds to help survivors of domestic violence by removing a barrier to safety and allowing pets and people to escape abuse together. Funding is available to nonprofit domestic violence and animal organizations to build or renovate spaces for housing survivors’ pets; begin a foster program to care for survivors’ pets; pay for temporary boarding; or a combination of services. Grant funds may also be used for routine veterinary care, emergency veterinary care, and pet deposits. Award: Up to $60,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
The Bolger Foundation (June 1 - September 1, 2025)
Support for nonprofits engaged in conservation; underserved populations; health; education; and community initiatives. Award: $10,000 - $250,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
The Tocker Foundation: General Library Grant (June 1, 2025)
Support for public libraries in rural Texas towns of 12,000 or less, to boost their collection; programs; and technology. Award: Not specified. Geographic Scope: Rural Texas.
American Heart Association: Social Impact Funds (Rolling Basis)
Grants for nonprofits and for-profits using evidence-based solutions to address healthcare access and quality; food security; and economic empowerment. Award: Up to $250,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Amon G. Carter Foundation (Rolling Basis, May 2025)
Grants for nonprofits engaged in health services; social services; and programs benefiting youth and the elderly. Award: $2,000 - $250,000. Geographic Scope: Tarrant County.
Lamar Bruni Vergara Trust (Rolling Basis)
Grants for nonprofits with missions involving youth; education; healthcare; and social services. Award: $5,000 - $100,000. Geographic Scope: Primarily Laredo, Texas.
McCormick & Company Corporate Giving Program (Rolling Basis)
Corporate support for nonprofits engaged in education; arts and culture; health and wellness; and the environment. Award: Monetary donations; products; and service hours. Geographic Scope: Irving, Texas.
Nissan North America, Inc.: Nissan Neighbors (Rolling Basis)
A community-focused initiative dedicated to improving communities surrounding Nissan's affiliate locations. The program focuses on education; the environment; and humanitarian aid and disaster relief. Award: Not specified. Geographic Scope: Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area.
ONEOK Foundation (Rolling Basis)
Grants for nonprofits engaged in educational; health; and human service programming. There are additional opportunities for Emergency Responders and Public School Districts. Award: Up to $5,000. Geographic Scope: Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and Midland/Odessa areas of Texas.
Shelton Family Foundation (Rolling Basis)
Grants for basic human services and essential needs; education; health; and community development. Eligible applicants include nonprofits; government entities; K-12 schools; colleges and universities; and faith-based organizations with programs that benefit the community at large. Award: $500 - $100,000. Geographic Scope: West Central Texas, with an emphasis on Abilene.
Public Funding Announcements
Texas Workforce Commission: Building Capacity in Healthcare Fields (March 12, 2025)
Funds to create new healthcare training programs or expand existing healthcare training programs to increase the number of LVN and RN professionals. Award: Ten (10) awards of up to $150,000. Geographic Scope: Texas.
HHSC: Primary Health Care (PHC) Program (March 14, 2025)
HHS0015299. Funds to provide preventive and primary health care for individuals with a gross family income at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Services may include but are not limited to screening; direct clinical service; laboratory services; case management; and appropriate referrals, as necessary. The target service areas are Underserved Areas where healthcare access is limited. Award: Multiple five-year awards will be distributed from an estimated total available funding of $59,562,040. Geographic Scope: Texas.
HHSC: Healthy Texas Women (HTW) Cost Reimbursement (March 17, 2025)
HHS0015451. Funds to provide reimbursement for support and direct care services. The target service areas are Underserved Areas where healthcare access is limited. Award: Multiple five-year awards will be distributed from an estimated total available funding of $67,276,480. Geographic Scope: Texas.
Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas: Primary Prevention of Cancer (March 19 - June 11, 2025)
Funding for multilevel interventions to reduce cancer risk and disease burden. Interventions and communications should be structured to address the unique circumstances of the target population. Award: Up to $1,000,000 for new projects, and $2,500,000 for expansion projects. Geographic Scope: Texas.
Texas Commission on the Arts: Cultural District Project (June 15, 2025)
Competitive grants program that focuses on projects that use the arts to diversify local economies; generate revenue; and attract visitors and investment. Award: $3,000 - $250,000, not to exceed 50% of the project budget. Match required. Geographic Scope: Texas.
Grants Education: SMART Goals
The Request for Proposals (RFP) asks you to include SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) for your project. SMART goals help you identify your definition of community change. Learn more about SMART goals in the "Program Narrative" topic tab in the "Proposal Components" section of the Grant Writing 101 page.
PHI Center for Wellness and Nutrition
Check out the Public Health Institute’s (PHI) new website designed to connect public health professionals, community members, partners, and others with resources and tools to help promote community wellness and health practices. Learn more here.
Texas Rural Engagement Program
Free technical assistance for rural communities, hospitals, clinics, and providers in Texas to improve healthcare workforce expansion activities and enhance the operations and financial viability of healthcare facilities. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis here.
Free Grants Education Webinar: April 9th
Learn how to increase your grant success with powerful program evaluation at our free webinar on April 9 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Sign up here.
Free Training and Resources
March 26: Demystifying Federal Funding: Nonprofit Questions Answered | Your Part-Time Controller
April 1: Flexible and Accountable Grant Management | AmpliFund
April 15: Shifting from Traditional Giving to Strategic Investment | Grantstation
On Demand: Make Your Major Foundation and Corporate Grant Applications Stand Out | Candid Learning
Private Funding Announcements
Classics for Kids Foundation: Matching Grant Program (March 31, 2025)
Funds for schools and nonprofits in support of incorporating string instruments in K-12 music education programs. Award: Up to 50% of instrument cost. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Penn Entertainment Foundation (April 1, 2025)
Support for nonprofits engaged in community development; education; human services; health; and veteran and military support. Award: Up to $58,000. Geographic Scope: Company communities in 20 States, including Texas.
Imagine Learning Foundation: Signature Grant Program (April 9, 2025)
Grants to bridge connections between classroom learning and positive learning environments outside the classroom. Award: $25,000 - $100,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
PEDIGREE Foundation (April 13, 2025)
Grants for shelters and rescues to increase dog adoption. Award: $10,000 - $15,000 for Program Development Grants. The Dogs rule. ™ Grant is $50,000 a year for two years. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Organization for Autism Research: Community Grant Competition (April 21, 2025)
Grants to empower community stakeholders to share their knowledge to improve health outcomes and quality of life for people with autism. Award: Up to seven (7) $1,000 - $15,000 grant awards. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
The J.M.K. Innovation Prize (April 25, 2025)
Funds for early-stage projects in the fields of heritage conservation and the environment. Most Prize awardees are nonprofits active for less than five years and operate with annual budgets of less than $500,000. Award: 10 awards of $175,000 and $25,000 in technical assistance funds. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
American Psychological Foundation: Direct Action Visionary Grants (April 30, 2025)
Funds for innovative interventions, based on psychological knowledge, that directly address pressing community needs. Award: Up to $60,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Buster Coleman Charitable Foundation (April 30, 2025)
The Foundation supports a wide variety of charitable missions. Apply online through the Wells Fargo portal. Award: Up to $10,000. Geographic Scope: Wichita County and the surrounding communities.
Foundation for Financial Planning (April 30, 2025)
Annual grants to community-based and national nonprofit organizations for programs linking volunteer financial planners to people in need. Eligible programs must engage Certified Financial Planner™ professionals as volunteers, include one-on-one engagements between financial planner volunteers and pro bono clients, and help people needing financial guidance. Award: $5,000 - $40,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Sparklight/Cable One Charitable Giving Fund (April 30, 2025)
Priority giving areas include education and digital literacy; hunger relief and food insecurity; and community development. Support for special projects and capital campaigns. Eligible applicants include nonprofits and government agencies. Award: Not specified. Geographic Scope: Communities served by the company.
The Mary Kay Foundation: Domestic Violence Shelter Grant Program (April 30, 2025)
Grants to support domestic violence emergency shelters. Funds may be used for general operating expenses. Award: $20,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
The McKesson Foundation (April 30, 2025)
Grants to reduce the burden of cancer; preparing tomorrow's healthcare workforce; and accelerating crisis response. Award: Minimum of $25,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide, with Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston as Texas priority areas.
The Toro Foundation: Greenspace Enhancement Grants (April 30, 2025)
Grants for nonprofits engaged in community gardens; outdoor beautification for neighborhoods and schools; planting trees; beautification of public greenspaces; and creating healthy and sustainable outdoor environments. Award: Not stated. Geographic Scope: Abilene, El Paso, and Weatherford, Texas.
Albert E. and Myrtle Gunn York Trust (May 1, 2025)
Funds for higher education; fine and performing arts; assistance for the elderly; and intellectual and physical development of children. Apply online through the Wells Fargo portal. Award: Up to $25,000. Geographic Scope: City and County of Victoria, Texas.
Emma Barnsley Foundation (May 1, 2025)
Program support for nonprofits engaged in domestic and wild animal welfare. Apply through the Wells Fargo application portal. Award: $5,000 - $25,000. Geographic Scope: Crane, Midland, and Odessa, Texas.
Harry S. and Isabel C. Cameron Foundation (May 1, 2025)
The Foundation was created to promote compassionate giving that serves the community's needs - religious, charitable, educational, scientific, literary, and artistic. Award: $2,500 - $60,000. Geographic Scope: The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, including Austin, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Walker, and Waller Counties.
The Brown Foundation, Inc. (May 1 - 31, 2025, Pre-Application)
Funding interests include arts and culture; education; human services; civic assets; and health and medicine. The Foundation reviews requests for general operating funds; program support; and capital campaigns. Eligible applicants include 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Award: $25,000 - $5,000,000. Geographic Scope: Greater Houston area.
Kubota Tractor Corporation: Hometown Proud Grant Program (May 9, 2025)
Funds to revitalize or refresh communities. Eligible applicants include nonprofits within a 50-mile radius of a Kubota dealer. The application portal will open on April 3rd. Award: 10 awards of $50,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
CoServe Charitable Foundation (May 20, 2025)
Giving focus areas include meeting basic human needs, community vitality, and supporting education. Eligible applicants include nonprofits, municipalities, and first responders. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are also available. The next grant application period will open at 8:00 a.m. on April 22nd. Award: $1,000 - $25,000. Geographic Scope: Denton, Collin, Cooke, Grayson, Tarrant, and Wise Counties.
Amarillo Area Foundation: Catalyst Grant Cycle (May 30, 2025)
Grants to support education; health; poverty issues; human services; children and youth; arts and culture; and civic affairs. Award: $2,500 - $20,000. Geographic Scope: The 26 Counties of the Texas Panhandle.
Amarillo Area Foundation: Louise Bowers Slentz Cycle (May 30, 2025, Letter of Intent)
Program, capital, and emergency funds for needs related to health; education; and animal welfare. Award: Average award is $50,000. Geographic Scope: Carson, Gray, Donley, Hemphill, Roberts, and Wheeler Counties.
The Tocker Foundation: Library Transformation Grants (June 1, 2025)
This unique program helps rural libraries rethink and recreate space for today's uses with flexibility for future changes. Library staff and leadership are paired with an architect experienced in library design. The combination of local leadership and professional guidance produces an inviting new space that drives new levels of activity, demand for new programming and increased use as a public space. Award: Not stated. Geographic Scope: Texas, in communities of 12,000 or fewer.
Arthur N. Rupe Foundation: Dorothy Rupe Caregiver Program (Rolling Basis, Letter of Inquiry)
Support for respite programs and training and educational resources for family, professional, and volunteer caregivers. Letters of Inquiry (LOI) are accepted throughout the year. Invited proposals are reviewed three times per year. Award: $10,000 - $80,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Atmos Energy Corporate Contributions Program (Rolling Basis)
Provides support to nonprofit organizations in the communities served by the company. Areas of interest include Students (nutritious meals and resources to help children read at grade level by third grade); Community Heroes (free meals and support for firefighters, police officers, medical teams, other first responders, teachers); and Vulnerable Neighbors (financial assistance for gas bills and home upgrades). Award: Donations or corporate sponsorships. Geographic Scope: Texas markets served by Atmos Energy.
4imprint: One by One Grants (Rolling Basis)
Grants for promotional products to organizations that are making a difference. Several grants are awarded each business day. Eligible applicants include nonprofits, religious organizations, and accredited schools. Award: $500 in products. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Glenn W. Bailey Foundation (Rolling Basis)
Funds for programs that provide students and educators with enhanced resources for hands-on, STEM-based learning. Award: $20,000 - $35,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
Petco Love Foundation: Vaccinated & Loved Grants (Rolling Basis)
Funds for organizations dedicated to providing free pet vaccine services to communities in need. Award: Not stated. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
The Floyd A. and Kathleen C. Cailloux Foundation (Rolling Basis)
Primarily supports nonprofits engaged in civic affairs; community service; culture; education; child development; health and rehabilitation; and animal welfare. Challenge and matching grant requests receive priority consideration. Award: $2,500 - $100,000. Geographic Scope: Bandera, Edwards, Gillespie, Kerr, Kimble, and Real Counties.
Public Funding Announcements
HHSC: Financial Services: Rural Hospital Labor and Delivery (April 8, 2025)
HHS0015668. The purpose of this program is to provide time-limited financial support during the term of the Grant Agreement for any qualified Rural Hospital in Texas to sustain and improve their inpatient labor and delivery services. Award: 30 awards of up to $250,000. No match required. Geographic Scope: Texas.
HHSC: Financial Services: Rural Hospital Improvement (April 9, 2025)
HHS0015677. The purpose of this program is to provide time-limited financial support during the term of the Grant Agreement for any qualified Rural Hospital in Texas to support hospital improvement activities aimed to improve the financial stability of the hospital. Award: Thirty-three (33) awards of up to $350,000. No match required. Geographic Scope: Texas.
USDOT: Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program (April 17, 2025)
DOT-OST-2024-103. The Build America Bureau funding supports legal, technical, and financial advisors to help advance infrastructure projects. Grants are awarded first-come, first-served, with applications reviewed in the order in which they are received beginning on March 18th. Award: 50 awards of $200,000 - $750,000 in no-match grants. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
NEH: Humanities Initiatives (May 6, 2025)
20250506-AA-AB-AC-AD-AE. Funding for the five Humanities Initiatives programs. These programs strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities at higher education institutions by developing new or improving existing humanities programs, educational resources, or coursework. Award: Twenty-five (25) awards of up to $150,000. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
TPWD: The Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (June 1, 2025)
Funds to enhance parks, recreational opportunities, and conservation areas in underserved, urban areas. These investments enable urban communities to create new outdoor recreation spaces, reinvigorate existing parks, and form connections between people and the outdoors. Award: $300,000 to $15,000,000. Geographic Scope: Texas, in underserved communities with a required population of 25,000 people in census tracts.
USDA: Healthy Meals Incentives Recognition Awards (June 30, 2025)
Awards recognizing innovative practices, student and community engagement activities, and strategies that School Food Authorities (SFAs) have used to improve the nutritional quality of school meals. Award: Complimentary registration and travel stipend to attend an exclusive national Healthy Meals Summit in Las Vegas. Recognition on program and partner websites. National and local recognition and media opportunities. Opportunity to network with other awardees. Awardee toolkit with promotional resources. Geographic Scope: Nationwide.
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