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Congenital Syphilis in Texas

DSHS created these epidemiologic profiles on congenital syphilis (CS) to inform planners, public health professionals, policymakers, and other stakeholders at local and state levels about the epidemiology of CS in Texas, syphilis in women of childbearing age, and underlying factors which may contribute to CS.

These reports include diagnoses of CS and syphilis cases among women of childbearing age in Texas. Cases analyzed met the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists surveillance case definitions, which may differ from clinical diagnoses.

Please note that DSHS collects data from providers and laboratories across the state. Some locations do not provide their final data for a year until the following spring. DSHS then reviews and cleans the data to eliminate duplicate numbers and ensure accurate information throughout the summer. DSHS then analyzes the data to produce the previous year’s Congenital Syphilis Epidemiologic Profile in the late fall or early winter. 

Congenital Syphilis Dashboard