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Core Competencies

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Core Competencies are a set of skills, knowledge, and qualities Community Health Workers (CHWs) or promotores, and CHW instructors must demonstrate. These core competencies make CHWs a capable and cost-effective workforce that can help healthcare teams to address non-medical drivers of health.

To be certified as a CHW or CHW instructor in Texas, you must show evidence of mastery of these competencies through training or significant experience. The Texas Department of State Health Services CHW certification is voluntary for a CHW who provides services without receiving compensation, and required for a CHW who provides services for compensation.

Core Competencies

DSHS established the CHW Program in May 2001 to certify persons who act as promotores or CHWs and adopted eight (8) CHW Core Competencies.


Note: The Core Competencies will be updated in 2026. View the changes