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Committee on Requests for Personal Data

Center for Health Statistics, Health Information Resources Branch

The Committee on Requests for Personal Data (CORPD) reviews requests involving vital events data to determine if the research serves a valid scientific or public health purpose. This committee is fulfilled by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

To request electronic vital statistics data files through the CORPD/IRB, you will need to submit a combination of the CORPD/IRB application and our program form. Our program form and Data Item Checklists are available below. Please refer to the Vital Statistics Data Request Procedures page, the IRB Forms & Instructions page, and our IRB Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

Once the completed program form and full CORPD/IRB application has been approved by our program, one single-sided original and two copies (double-sided, no staples) of these materials should be submitted to the Program Contact.

Program Form: [WORD 59 KB]

Vital Events Data Request Form and Data Item Checklists

Electronic Birth Record Data Item Checklists:

Note: Variables which provide or imply HIV or STD infection status cannot be provided to agencies outside of DSHS. These data elements should normally be left unchecked. 

Electronic Death Record Data Item Checklists:

Electronic Fetal Death Record Data Item Checklists: