Data Overview

Compliance Actions - Prescription Drug Price Disclosure Program

Compliance/Disciplinary Actions are taken by regulatory authorities in response to a violation of the law or rules. Different kinds of actions can be taken depending on the severity of the offense, the history of previous violations, efforts made to correct the violation, the harm to the victims, the likelihood of a repeat violation, and other matters related to each particular case. These actions are taken to protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Texas.

See the linked PDF file below to view the current list of compliance actions.  For more information, call our office at 512-834-6665.

Current Disciplinary Actions - PDPD Program (PDF)


Price Increase Report

The price increase report is an ongoing report of every drug costing greater than $100 for a one-month supply that has a price increase greater than:

  • 15 percent compared to the lowest WAC from the last calendar year, or
  • 40 percent compared to the lowest WAC from the three prior calendar years.

Pharmaceutical drug manufacturers submit this information within 30 days of the price effective date to the Texas Department of State Health Services, and the agency publishes this data within 60 days of receipt.

View the Price Increase Reports

Annual Wholesale Acquisition

Manufacturers report their Jan. 1 Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) price annually. Year 2024 data is now available.

View the 2024 Annual WAC Report

This table provides a list of Jan. 1, 2024 WAC pricing on all United States Food and Drug Administration-approved prescription drugs sold in or into Texas from pharmaceutical manufacturers that provided information.

Data Downloads