Completed applications (with appropriate fees) must be sent to the address at the top of the application form. Firms submitting applications must retain a copy of the completed application and payment.
Applications will be processed within a 4 to 6-week time period. Licenses are printed each Wednesday and are mailed by Friday.
A license cannot be issued from an incomplete application. Incomplete applications will be returned to the sender if any required information is missing.
Application forms must be signed, either by the owner of a sole-proprietorship, partner of a partnership, president of a corporation, or a corporate designee.
Fees are non-refundable.
If you need a retail permit, please make certain that there is no local authority that requires you to permit before you contact this office. DSHS only issues permits for retail areas not under local jurisdiction.
You must provide the date you began operating the regulated activity at your business on the “Purpose of Application” section of the application. All fees and late fees must be submitted prior to receiving a current license/permit.
Incomplete applications (including lack of fee payment) will result in delays in issuing a license. DSHS will mail you a letter to resolve any incomplete information, but if we have not received your reply within 135 days, your application will be considered withdrawn pursuant to the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 229, §229.281(c)(3) related to Time Periods:
25TAC §229.281(c)(3) If the applicant fails to submit the requested information and/or fee within 135 days of the date the department issued the written notice to the applicant as described in paragraph (1) of this subsection, that the application is incomplete and/or additional fees are owed, the application is considered withdrawn. Fees paid are not refundable. There will be no refund of the fee except as provided by subsections (d) and (f) of this section. A new application and fee must be submitted to the department.