Contractor/Vendor Signature Authority or Contact Person Change Request

Process to Change Contractor/Vendor Signature Authority or Contract Person

To submit a change in Contractor/Vendor Signature Authority or Contact Person, please complete a request form in the “Submit a Request” section below.

The form will be sent to the CMS correspondence email box. If you have questions about the request form, you may email Lillie McMillian at

Please note that you will still need to coordinate “substantial” changes in your contract with your assigned Contract Manager.

After Submitting a Request

After you have submitted your Contractor/Vendor Signature Authority or Contract Person Change Request, you will receive a confirmation email.

Change in Contractor/Vendor Signature Authority or Contact Person

If the change is for agency Signature Authority, please ensure the person is authorized to represent the agency.  If the change is for agency Contact Person, please ensure to provide appropriate program contacts.

Other Misc. Changes

If the request is for any other “miscellaneous” changes, your assigned Contract Manager will determine if the change requires a contract modification.

Submit a Request

Ready to submit your request?

  1. Download and fill out the form to submit: Contractor/Vendor Signature Authority or Contact Person Change request.
  2. Attach the completed form and email to