Draft and Proposed Rules - Asbestos Program



The proposed Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules (TAHPR) were posted for formal comment here and on the HHS Rulemaking webpage on April 19, 2024.

Technical questions regarding the rules can be emailed to AsbestosHelp@dshs.texas.gov.

Rulemaking process questions can be emailed to the EHG Rules Coordinator.

Tentative Asbestos Rules Timeline

April 19, 2024              Proposed Rules Published in the Texas Register

                                    30-day Formal Comment Period Begins

May 20, 2024              30-day Formal Public Comment Period Ends

July 19, 2024          Adopted Rules Published in the Texas Register

July 23, 2024          Rules Effective Date

Informal Comment Submission for the Draft Asbestos Rules

DSHS is proposing to adopt rules to implement Senate Bill 422, 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, extending occupational licensing reciprocity to military service members. DSHS amends the DSHS-wide rule in 25 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §1.81, concerning Recognition of Out-of-State License of a Military Service Member and Military Spouse, referenced in 25 TAC §296.131. DSHS also adopts a new §1.91, concerning Alternative Licensing for Military Service Members, Military Spouses, and Military Veterans.

Section 296.131 is being repealed as this section does not establish rule requirements beyond those in 25 TAC §1.81 and §1.91. Repealing §296.131 avoids repetitive or inconsistent rule language with updated rules.

As of now this is the entirety of the proposed change.

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is accepting formal comments on the proposed rules from stakeholders through May 20, 2024, but will not respond to comments received during the formal comment period.

You may provide comments to DSHS by mail or email.

Mailing address:

        Texas Department of State Health Services

        Attn: Environmental Operations Branch Rules Coordinator

        PO Box 149347, MC 2835

        Austin, TX 78714-9347

Email address:


Please write “Formal Comments for TAHPR” in the subject line.