Candida auris (C. auris) Screening Recommendations

The following individuals should be screened for Candida auris

  • Anyone who shared a room with an individual identified with C. auris infection or colonization over the four weeks before specimen collection. Exposed individuals should be screened regardless of the use of contact precautions or length of stay.
  • All patients in the same healthcare area as an individual identified with C. auris infection or colonization. Exposed individuals should be screened regardless of the use of contact precautions.
  • Patients occupying a room that previously housed an individual identified with C. auris.
  • Individuals with current multidrug-resistant, gram-negative bacteria who received healthcare outside of the United States within the last 12 months.
  • Patients transferring from a unit or facility with current transmission of C. auris or recent transmission within the last 30 days.


  • Facilities should consider adding C. auris to existing multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) screening protocols. A composite swab of the patient’s bilateral axilla and groin can be used. For guidance on performing swab testing in-house, refer to the CDC - uidance for Detection of Colonization of C. auris | Candida auris (C. auris)
  • All ages are at risk for C. auris infections.
  • Routine screening of healthcare workers and the environment is not recommended. Exceptions include cases where epidemiological evidence links to transmission or where transmission persists despite other interventions.