Alzheimer's Campaign Materials

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Social Media

Man Disrupt 2022

Download the 1080 X 1080 Disrupt Life Social Media image.

Message: Someone with #Alzheimers may need frequent reminders about the day's schedule, ask the same question over and over, or forget their children's names. Learn other signs and what to do if you suspect someone you love might have Alzheimer's /Alzheimers/WarningSigns/.

Eng Memory Loss Disrupt 2022

Download the 1200 X 628 Disrupt Life Social Media image.

Message: Someone with #Alzheimers may need frequent reminders about the day's schedule, ask the same question over and over, or forget their children's names. Learn other signs and what to do if you suspect someone you love might have Alzheimer's /Alzheimers/WarningSigns/.

Withdrawing Woman Activities 2022

Download the 1080 X 1080 Withdrawing From Activities Social Media image.

Message: Have you noticed a loved one withdrawing from hobbies or social engagements? It might be an early sign of #Alzheimers. Learn about other early signs and what to do if you think someone you love might have Alzheimer's: Warning Signs.

Eng Withdrawing from Ativities 2022

Download the 1200 X 628 Withdrawing From Activities Social Media image.

Message: Have you noticed a loved one withdrawing from hobbies or social engagements? It might be an early sign of #Alzheimers. Learn about other early signs and what to do if you think someone you love might have Alzheimer's: Warning Signs.

Eng Start Conversation Early 2022

Download the 1080 X 1080 Start the Conversation Early Social Media image.

Message: Noticing signs of memory and thinking problems that might be #Alzheimers? Start a conversation with your loved one about #Alzheimers and talk to your doctor about making a plan. Learn about how to start the conversation here: See The Signs.

Eng Start Conversation Early 2022

Download the 1200 X 628 Start the Conversation Early Social Media image.

Message: Noticing signs of memory and thinking problems that might be #Alzheimers? Start a conversation with your loved one about #Alzheimers and talk to your doctor about making a plan. Learn about how to start the conversation here: See The Signs.

Eng Start Conversation Be Patient 2022

Download the 1080 X 1080 Be Patient Social Media image.

Message: When starting a conversation with your loved one about #Alzheimers, you may get resistance. Be prepared to keep having the discussion. Follow these tips for effective conversation about Alzheimer's with your loved one: See The Signs.

Eng Be Patient 2022

Download the 1200 X 628 Be Patient Social Media image.

Message: When starting a conversation with your loved one about #Alzheimers, you may get resistance. Be prepared to keep having the discussion. Follow these tips for effective conversation about Alzheimer's with your loved one: See The Signs.

Eng Right Care Option Family 2022

Download the 1080 X 1080 Care Option Social Media image

Message: Finding the right care for a loved one with #Alzheimers is important. You have many options including in-home care, adult daycare, assisted living, and nursing facilities. Learn more: Options For Care.

Eng Care Option Family 2022

Download the 1200 X 628 Care Option Social Media image.

Message: Finding the right care for a loved one with #Alzheimers is important. You have many options including in-home care, adult daycare, assisted living, and nursing facilities. Learn more: Options For Care.

Eng Plan for Future 2022

Download the 1080 X 1080 Plan For The Future Social Media image.

Message: For people with #Alzheimers, advance planning is essential. Loved ones may be able to manage their affairs today but will need to rely on others to act in their best interest later on. Learn more: Advanced Directives.

Eng Plan for Future 2022

Download the 1200 X 628 Plan For The Future Social Media image.

Message: For people with #Alzheimers, advance planning is essential. Loved ones may be able to manage their affairs today but will need to rely on others to act in their best interest later on. Learn more: Advanced Directives.

Engoo Good Tip for Caregivers 2022

Download the 1080 X 1080 Tip For CareGivers GoodSocial Media image.

Message: As a caregiver for someone with #Alzheimers, make sure you take time for yourself to relax and recharge. Find ways to express your feelings and be forgiving of yourself if things don't go just right. Get more tips for caregivers: Hints For Family Caregivers.

Eng Tip For Caregiver Good 2022

Download the 1200 X 628 Tip For CareGivers GoodSocial Media image.

Message: As a caregiver for someone with #Alzheimers, make sure you take time for yourself to relax and recharge. Find ways to express your feelings and be forgiving of yourself if things don't go just right. Get more tips for caregivers: Hints For Family Caregivers.

Eng Build Support Network 2022

Download the 1080 X 1080 Tip For CareGivers Support Network Social Media image.

Message: As you're helping a loved one with #Alzheimers, don't try to do it all on your own. Ask family and friends to help and accept their help when offered. Build a support system. Get more tips: Hints For Family Caregivers.

Eng Build Support Network 2022

Download the 1200 X 628 Tip For CareGivers Support Network Social Media image.

Message: As you're helping a loved one with #Alzheimers, don't try to do it all on your own. Ask family and friends to help and accept their help when offered. Build a support system. Get more tips: Hints For Family Caregivers.

Eng Confused 2021

Download 1080 X 1080 Alzheimer's Campaign Confused- English Social Media image.

Is it normal aging or Alzheimer's? It's important to talk about it with your doctor and loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL: Alzheimer's Disease


Spanish Confused 2021

Download 1080 X 1080 Alzheimer's Campaign Confused- Spanish Social Media image.

¿Es envejecimiento normal o alzhéimer? Es importante que hable del tema con su médico y su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL: La Enfermedad de Alzheimer

Eng Confused 2021

Download 1200 X 628 Alzheimer's Campaign Confused- English Social Media image.

Is it normal aging or Alzheimer's? It's important to talk about it with your doctor and loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL: Alzheimer's Disease

Spanish Confused 2021

Download 1200 X 628 Alzheimer's Campaign Confused- Spanish Social Media image.

¿Es envejecimiento normal o alzhéimer? Es importante que hable del tema con su médico y su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL: La Enfermedad de Alzheimer

Eng Take Care 2021

Download 1080 X 1080 Alzheimer's Campaign Taking Care- English Social Media image.

Don't ignore signs that could point to Alzheimer's. It's important to talk about them with your loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL: Alzheimer's Disease

Spanish Care 2021

Download 1080 X 1080 Alzheimer's Campaign Taking Care- Spanish Social Media image.

No ignore las señales que podrían indicar la presencia de alzhéimer. Es importante que hable del tema con su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL: La Enfermedad de Alzheimer

Eng Taking Care 2021

Download 1200 X 628 Alzheimer's Campaign Taking Care- English Social Media image.

Don't ignore signs that could point to Alzheimer's. It's important to talk about them with your loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL: Alzheimer's Disease

Spanish Taking Care 2021

Download 1200 X 628 Alzheimer's Campaign Taking Care- Spanish Social Media image.

No ignore las señales que podrían indicar la presencia de alzhéimer. Es importante que hable del tema con su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL: La Enfermedad de Alzheimer

Eng Forgetting 2021

Download 1080 X 1080 Alzheimer's Campaign Forgetting- English Social Media image.

Don't ignore signs that could point to Alzheimer's. It's important to talk about them with your loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL: Alzheimer's Disease

Spanish Forgetting 2021

Download 1080 X 1080 Alzheimer's Campaign Forgetting- Spanish Social Media image.

No ignore las señales que podrían indicar la presencia de alzhéimer. Es importante que hable del tema con su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL: La Enfermedad de Alzheimer

Eng Forgetting 2021

Download 1200 X 628 Alzheimer's Campaign Forgetting- English Social Media image.

Don't ignore signs that could point to Alzheimer's. It's important to talk about them with your loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL: Alzheimer's Disease

Spanish Forgetting 2021

Download 1200 X 628 Alzheimer's Campaign Forgetting- Spanish Social Media image.

No ignore las señales que podrían indicar la presencia de alzhéimer. Es importante que hable del tema con su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL: La Enfermedad de Alzheimer

Animated Social Media

Conversation Eng SM

Download Checkboxes

Alzheimer’s is different than normal aging. If you see signs, it’s important to talk about it. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL:

Checkboxes SPAN SM

Download Checkboxes- Spanish

El alzhéimer es diferente al envejecimiento normal. Si ve alguna señal, es importante que hable del tema. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL:

Names Eng SM

Download Forgetting

Don't ignore signs that could point to Alzheimer's. It's important to talk about them with your loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL:


Download Forgetting- Spanish

No ignore las señales que podrían indicar la presencia de alzhéimer. Es importante que hable del tema con su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL:

Confused SM

Download Lost

Is it normal aging or Alzheimer's? It's important to talk about it with your doctor and loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL:

Confused Static SPAN SM

Download Lost- Spanish

¿Es envejecimiento normal o alzhéimer? Es importante que hable del tema con su médico y su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL:

Taking Care SM

Download Stopped

Don't ignore signs that could point to Alzheimer's. It's important to talk about them with your loved one. Early treatment can often make a big difference in quality of life.

Headline: See the signs. Start a conversation.

Description: Find information on what to look for.

Destination URL:

Taking care SPAN SM

Download Stopped- Spanish

No ignore las señales que podrían indicar la presencia de alzhéimer. Es importante que hable del tema con su ser querido. El tratamiento temprano puede marcar una gran diferencia en la calidad de vida.

Spanish Headline: Reconozca las señales. Hable del tema.

Spanish Description: Infórmese sobre cuáles son las señales.

Spanish Destination URL:

Television Commercials

Deralyn's Dementia Story - :30 Second - English

Deralyn's Dementia Story - :15 Second - English

Mary Lou’s Alzheimer’s Story - :30 Second - Spanish

Mary Lou's Alzheimer's Story - :15 Second - Spanish

Alzheimer's Disease - Ross' Story - :15 Second - English

Alzheimer's Disease - Ross' Story 2 - :15 Second - English

Ross' Dementia Story: See the Signs - :30 seconds - English

Alzheimer's Disease - Dr. Hu's Grandmother's story - :30 Second - English

Alzheimer's Disease - Mimi's Story - :30 Second - English

Alzheimer's Disease - Mimi's Story - :15 Second - English

Alzheimer's Disease Something's Off - :30 Second

Alzheimer's Disease Something's Off - :30 Second - Spanish

Alzheimer's Disease Something's Off - :15 Second

Alzheimer's Disease Something's off - :15 Second - Spanish