Courses and Resources for Health Care Providers

The DSHS Alzheimer’s Disease Program has developed helpful courses and resources related to screening, diagnosis, care coordination and referrals for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. These courses were developed for primary care providers (PCPs), who are often the first health professionals to address cognitive decline with patients and their families and caregivers and who play a critical role in management of the disease.


Free CME Courses

A doctor visits with her patients.Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias: A Guide for Primary Care Providers

COMING SOON: This course is designed to help PCPs identify symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, distinguish between various causes of dementia, recognize the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, and employ validated tools to facilitate diagnosis, care management or referral.

Credit hours: CME/CE - Hours TBD


CT scans of the human brainAlzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias: Screening and Diagnosis in Primary Care

COMING SOON: This course covers best practices and provides tools for conducting cognitive assessments and follow up testing, communicating with patients and family/caregivers, facilitating diagnosis, and determining next steps.

Credit hours: CME/CE - Hours TBD


Care Management of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias: The Role of the Primary Care Team

COMING SOON: This course aims to equip primary care providers and affiliated healthcare professionals to play an appropriate role in ongoing care and management of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and to connect patients and family/caregivers with support resources.

Credit hours: CME/CE - Hours TBD


Dementia Disease Process

Primary care providers and specialists such as neurologists and neuropsychologists are the foundation of dementia healthcare in Texas. In addition to providing diagnosis, treatment and care management, health care providers play a crucial role in connecting patients and their family/caregivers to essential support resources and services. These short courses provide an overview of the role PCPs play throughout the dementia disease process and how to connect patients and their family/caregiver with important resources.

Connecting PCPs, Specialists and Family Caregivers

COMING SOON! This interactive course provides an overview of the complementary roles PCPs and specialists play in supporting patients and family/caregivers through the dementia disease process.

Resources for Patients and Family Caregivers

COMING SOON! This interactive course presents resources, tips and tools to help PCPs provide meaningful support and community referrals for patients and family/caregivers.

Provider Resources

Patient Checklist and Resource Handout

Providers are encouraged to download this resource as an easy handout to provide to patients and caregivers. The PDF covers next steps in medical care, financial and legal arrangements, making a care plan, and connecting with resources.  This also includes links to community resources for patients and their caregivers.

Cognitive Decline Handout for Patients and Caregivers

Providers may download this handout about warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias for easy distribution in the healthcare provider’s office. This card will encourage patients and their caregivers to talk to their doctor about any suspected signs of cognitive decline.



Hear from Texas dementia experts on the important role PCPs play in detecting, diagnosing and managing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Primary care providers are on the front line of seeing patients with mild cognitive impairment.

Primary care providers and specialists work together to keep people healthy.

Families and caregivers need support to care for their loved one.