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Funeral Homes

 Flowers on a casket.



Fetal Death Reporting Changes in TxEVER

1. Funeral homes are no longer required to enter information on the calculated or estimated gestational age of the fetus to begin a new fetal death record (questions 1-3 are pre-checked as “no” and question 4 can be skipped). Complete all required fields and select “find record”.

"Application Screen Shot - Fetal Death Reporting Changes in TxEVER"

2. Once you click “find record”, you will receive a notice that a matching record is not found, you will click “ok” to create the new record. 

"Application Screen Shot - Fetal Death Reporting Changes in TxEVER"

3. Some registration tabs have been reordered. The Fetus, Mother, Mother Dem, and Father tabs must be completed to designate to a medical certifier.

"Application Screen Shot - Fetal Death Reporting Changes in TxEVER"