THISIS Help Desk
Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem or need help using THISIS, complete a Help Desk ticket. Do not submit private health information (PHI) with the help desk ticket.
A Central Office employee will work with you to resolve your issue. Inquiries unresolved at this level will be forwarded to THISIS analysts or supervisors for further review and assistance. You will be contacted about a solution when your case can be completed or closed. Some inquiries may require changes to the system or additional resources and therefore may take some time to complete. Issues that impact system usability (such as bugs identified in the database) will need to be fixed and tested, but will be given high priority and resolved as soon as possible. Yet other requests may entail improvements that will enhance, but not inhibit work, so these issues may be assigned a lower priority.
PLEASE NOTE: The Help Desk ticket MUST be completed in Adobe Reader. Completing the form in Chrome or another web browser window will prevent you from submitting the ticket to Central Office.
THISIS Issues and Access
Clearing Cache to Prevent Auto-populating Incorrect Data into Fields
If you are entering data into THISIS and your computer suggests filling in the fields with data you previously entered for another person, try clearing your computer's cache.
Gaining Access to THISIS
To gain access to THISIS view information on the DSHS TB/HIV/STD Database Account Management page.
Forgot Username or Password
THISIS users are unable to set a security question nor start their own password resets using the “Reset password” link. This functionality is disabled in all THISIS environments, due to issues that it was causing with core data processes. Please email for all password needs.