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Microbiology Laboratory Tests: R

Rabies Microbiology
Relapsing Fever (Serological – Forwarded by TDSHS to CDC for testing.)
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Test Includes:


Results Available: Contact #s:


Turnaround Time:  3 weeks Reference Range:  <1.00 (Nonreactive)  
Limitations: May not detect a recent infection, or infection in a person with a severely compromised immune system. Interpretation: Nonreactive indicates that the patient does not have detectable antibody to the infectious agent. Reactive indicates that the patient has detectable antibody to the infectious agent, and depending on the clinical picture, may have a current or past infection.

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Collection: Venipuncture Sample Type: Serum
Volume/Amount Required: 10 mL whole blood Preferred Specimen:  Single Serum; Paired Sera
Collection/Preservation: Red top or tiger top tube Storage Instructions: Do not freeze or refrigerate whole blood. Separated serum may be held at 2-8°C.
Causes for Rejection: Discrepancy between name on tube and name on form, insufficient quantity of serum for testing Sample Container: Red top or tiger top tube.
Sample Test Kit: Availability:
Diagnostic Information:  The test procedure is used for investigational use and clinical history of the patient is required.  Sera are forwarded to the CDC with prior approval (512) 458-7760.

Specimen Submission

Required Request Form: G-2A Specimen Handling: Use Universal Precautions
Transport Temperature:  Ambient temperature for specimens on the blood clot, separated serum at 2-8°C (refrigerated) or -20°C (frozen). Shipping Requirements: Triple contain, separated serum may be shipped on cold packs (2-8°C), or frozen (-20°C) and mailed on dry ice.


CPT Code: 86619 Fees:


Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Culture – Isolation)
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Test Includes: Cell culture


Results Available: 2-14 days Contact #s: 512-458-7594.


Method: Cell Culture  
Turnaround Time:  2-14 days Reference Range:  No virus isolated  
Limitations: Interpretation: A result of “No virus isolated” does not necessarily mean absence of a viral agent.  The success of virus isolation depends a great deal on the submission of the proper specimen, collected at the right time, adequately maintained, and shipped with the least possible delay.

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Collection: Specimens should be collected at an appropriate anatomic site and at the proper time after infection because viruses are generally shed for only a short period of time.  Refer to Specimen Collection by Type table for additional instructions.  Sample Type: See preferred specimen.
Volume/Amount Required: Swabs in 2-4 mLs of viral transport media. Preferred Specimen:  Throat swab, NP swab, NP secretions
Collection/Preservation: Viral transport media. Storage Instructions: Maintain specimens at 2-8°C immediately after collection.  Ship with the least possible delay.
Causes for Rejection: Specimens submitted on a preservative such as formalin. Sample Container: Sterile container.
Sample Test Kit: Availability: Monday - Friday
Diagnostic Information:  Specimens are inoculated onto a variety of cell culture monolayers.  If characteristic CPE is observed, confirmation of identification will be performed.

Specimen Submission

Required Request Form: G-2V Specimen Handling:
Transport Temperature:  2-8°C, overnight Shipping Requirements: Ship specimens in compliance with governmental regulations.


CPT Code: 87252 Fees:

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Culture – Identification)
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Test Includes: Immunofluoresence


Results Available: 2-14 days Contact #s: 512-458-7594.


Method: Immunofluorescence  
Turnaround Time:  2-14 days Reference Range:  By report
Limitations: Interpretation:

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Collection: Sample Type:
Volume/Amount Required: If transporting on dry ice, send 1-2 mLs. Preferred Specimen:  Cell culture isolate with CPE.
Collection/Preservation: Storage Instructions: Store at -70° C.
Causes for Rejection: Sample Container: Sterile cryovial.
Sample Test Kit: Availability: Monday - Friday
Diagnostic Information:  Identification based on immunofluorescence test using RSV-specific monoclonal antibody.

Specimen Submission

Required Request Form: G-2V Specimen Handling:
Transport Temperature:  Frozen isolate:  on dry ice Shipping Requirements: Ship specimens in compliance with governmental regulations.


CPT Code: 87253 Fees: