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Syphilis Screen, Total

Laboratory Fee Schedule

Procedure: MBN0222A

CPT: 86780

Synonym(s): Syphilis IgG and IgM Immunoassay
Requisition Form G-2A
Test Description IgM and IgG antibody detection for three proteins found in T. pallidum using a fluorescent bead immunoassay.  
Pre-Approval Needed N/A
Supplemental Information Required N/A
Supplemental Form(s) N/A
Performed on Specimens from (sources) Human specimens.
Sample/Specimen Type for Testing Serum
Minimum Volume/Size Required 250 uL
Storage/Preservation Prior to Shipping
  • Store serum cold (2°C to 8°C) if testing will occur within 5 days of collection.
  • Store serum frozen (– 20°C) if testing will occur after 5 days of collection or for long term storage.
Transport Medium N/A
Specimen Labeling
  • Two patient-specific identifiers required (e.g., patient full name, date of birth, medical record number)
  • Identifiers on specimen must exactly match submission form.
Shipping and Specimen Handling Requirements
  • Specimens must be received cold/frozen by the laboratory.
  • According to Dangerous Good Regulations, IATA, and/or CFR 49
  • Using universal precautions for infectious agents
  • Triple-contained in accordance with federal shipping regulations for infectious agents.
  • as Biological Substance Category B
  • Additional forms & resources
  • See collection, submission, and shipping instructions. 
Method Multiplex Flow Immunoassay
Turn-around Time 3 working days.
  • Material must be viable.   
  • Improper storage or shipping temperatures limit organism recovery
Common Causes for Rejection
  • Insufficient quantity
  • Unacceptable specimen type or source
  • Improper shipping conditions
  • Expired media or collection container
  • Discrepancies between specimen label and submission form
  • Incomplete or missing submission form.
Additional Information N/A