Disease Specific Summaries 1935-67
Annual Reports Infectious Disease Data Misc. Historical Documents Morbidity and Mortality 1920-93
(statistics, disease data)
These are the pages from a single ledger containing disease specific information from 1935-1959:
- Amebiasis 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.2Mb)
- Anthrax 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Botulism 1952-1959 (PDF, 961Kb)
- Cover, Disease Leger (PDF, 26Kb)
- Brucellosis 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Dengue 1935-1969 (PDF, 2.2Mb)
- Diphtheria 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.2Mb)
- Dysentery, unspecified 1945-1952 (PDF, 1.0Mb)
- Encephalitis, infectious 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Hansen's disease 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Hepatitis, infectious and serum 1952-1959 (PDF, 1.0Mb)
- Leptospirosis 1953-1959 (PDF, 986Kb)
- Malaria 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.2Mb)
- Malaria, acquired outside USA 1952-1959 (PDF, 914Kb)
- Measles 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.2Mb)
- Meningitis, meningococcal infection since 1952-1935-1959 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Meningitis, other 1956-1959 (PDF, 864Kb)
- Mumps 1935-1952 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Ophthalmia neonatorum 1935-1952 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Pellagra 1935-1952 (PDF, 1.2Mb)
- Pertussis 1935-1959 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Pneumonia 1935-1952 (PDF, 1.1Mb)
- Poliomyelitis, all forms 1935-1967 (PDF, 2.1Mb)
- Poliomyelitis, nonparalytic 1952-1967 (PDF, 1.8Mb)
- Poliomyelitis, paralytic 1953-1959 (PDF, 958Kb)
- Poliomyelitis, unspecified 1953-1959 (PDF, 900Kb)
- Psittacosis 1952-1959 (PDF, 937Kb)
- Q fever 1956-1959 (PDF, 859Kb)
- Rabies, animal 1952-1959 (PDF, 710Kb)
- Rabies, human 1935-1959 (PDF, 779Kb)
- Relapsing fever 1935-1959 (PDF, 762Kb)
- Rheumatic fever 1957-1959 (PDF, 651Kb)
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 1938-1959 (PDF, 768Kb)
- Salmonellosis 1935-1959 (PDF, 760Kb)
- Scarlet fever 1935-1959 (PDF, 855Kb)
- Shigellosis 1935-1959 (PDF, 897Kb)
- Smallpox 1935-1959 (PDF, 735Kb)
- Tetanus 1952-1959 (PDF, 676Kb)
- Trachoma 1935-1956 (PDF, 735Kb)
- Trichinosis 1956-1959 (PDF, 686Kb)
- Tuberculosis 1935-1959 (PDF, 890Kb)
- Tularemia 1935-1959 (PDF, 903Kb)
- Typhoid fever 1935-1959 (PDF, 826b)
- Typhus fever 1935-1959 (PDF, 802Kb)
- Varicella 1935-1952 (PDF, 832Kb)
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