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Materials Reviewed by Statewide Program Materials Review Panel

About The PMRP

In accordance with regulations set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Program Materials Review Panel (PMRP) evaluates new and revised written and audiovisual educational materials for use in DSHS HIV/STD prevention activities statewide. All PMRP panelists are community-based, non-DSHS employees. The PMRP is designed to represent a reasonable cross-section of the state's population. Since the panel reviews many materials for many different audiences, no one target population will predominate the composition of the panel. Local HIV/STD contractors funded by DSHS may adopt educational materials approved by the statewide PMRP without further review at the local level. However, local contractors may choose to review state-approved educational materials to determine appropriateness for the communities they serve.

Complete the Program Materials Review Panel Educational Material Evaluation Form to submit materials for review by the PMRP.

PMRP Frequently Asked Questions

Helpful PMRP-related links:

  1. Program Guidance on the Review of HIV-Related Educational and Informational Materials for CDC Assistance Programs (Updated: June 2016):
  2. List of materials reviewed by the DSHS statewide PMRP.

Last Updated: February 1, 2019


* “Obscene” as defined by the “contemporary community standards” provision outlined in the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case Miller vs. California. For more information on selected Supreme Court obscenity cases, go to:


Materials Reviewed - 2021 

Title: Ryan White Services Social Media Messages
Format: Animated Graphics in GIF format
Producer: Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)
Subject: Ryan White Services 
Audience: PLWH in Dallas and/or Bexar Counties

Materials Reviewed - 2020

Title: Staying Healthy: COVID-19 & HIV
Format: Video, YouTube
Producer: Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)
Subject: COVID-19 and HIV
Audience: People Living with HIV
Title: Women Get Real about HIV (11 videos total)
Format: Video, YouTube
Producer: Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)
Subject: HIV Care, Treatment, and Services
Audience: People Living with HIV and People of Color
Title: Living Well & Let's Talk about Care & Treatment (6 videos total)
Format: Video, YouTube
Producer: Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)
Subject: HIV Care, Treatment, and Services
Audience: People Living with HIV and MSM of Color

Materials Reviewed - 2019

Title: 10 Questions About HIV, Syphilis, and Pregnancy (English and Spanish)
Format: Brochure
Producer: Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
Subject: Pregnancy and HIV, syphilis and other STDs
Audience: All pregnant women in Texas
Title: Healthy Options Job Aid (English and Spanish)
Format: Fact Sheet/Job Aid
Producer: Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
Subject: Combination Prevention Job Aid
Audience: People receiving HIV/STD Services, Staff Providing HIV/STD Services

Materials Reviewed - 2016

Title: Protect Yourself If You Shoot Up (English and Spanish)
Format: Pamphlet
Producer: Channing Bete
Subject: HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, Injecting Drug Use
Audience: Injecting Drug Users
PMRP Vote: RECOMMENDED (5 approved)
Title: Learn More About PrEP
Format: Pamphlet
Producer: Texas HIV Syndicate, Texas Department of State Health Services
Subject: HIV/AIDS, PrEP
Audience: HIV-negative at-risk population
PMRP Vote: RECOMMENDED (5 approved)

Materials Reviewed - 2015

Title: A Gay Man’s Guide to HIV Testing
Format: A Gay Man’s Guide to HIV Testing
Producer: Texas Department of State Health Services
Subject: HIV/AIDS
Audience: Gay men
PMRP Vote: RECOMMENDED (5 approved)

Materials Reviewed - 2014

Title: HIV/AIDS (for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing)
Format: Pamphlet
Producer: Texas Department of State Health Services
Subject: HIV/AIDS
Audience: Deaf/hard of hearing population
PMRP Vote: RECOMMENDED (5 approved)

Materials Reviewed - 2013

Title: Ask for the Test
Format: Pamphlet
Producer: D.C. Department of Health
Subject: Routine HIV testing in medical settings
Audience: Patients in medical settings
PMRP Vote: RECOMMENDED (5 approved-2 abstained)
Title: MSM Syphilis Awareness Posters
Format: 3 Posters
Producer: Maine Department of Health
Subject: Syphilis
Audience: Men who have sex with men
PMRP Vote: RECOMMENDED (4 approved-3 abstained)

Materials Reviewed - 2012

Title: 5 Ways You Can Be Greater Than AIDS
Format: Poster
Producer: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Subject: HIV/AIDS prevention
Audience: General
PMRP Vote: RECOMMENDED (4 approved-3 abstained)

Materials Reviewed - 2011

Title: How to Use a Condom (5/11 revision)
Format: Pocket Guide
Producer: Texas Department of State Health Services
Subject: Condoms, sexual risk reduction, HIV/AIDS, STDs
Audience: Sexually Active Persons
Title: How to Use a Condom – Spanish (5/11 revision)
Format: Pocket Guide
Producer: Texas Department of State Health Services
Subject: Condoms, sexual risk reduction, HIV/AIDS, STDs
Audience: Spanish-speaking sexually active persons
Title: (DSHS HIV/STD consumer website)
Format: Website
Producer: Texas Department of State Health Services
Subject: HIV/STD prevention, testing, symptoms, referral information
Audience: Persons seeking HIV/STD information in Texas
Title: (DSHS HIV/STD consumer website – Spanish version)
Format: Website
Producer: Texas Department of State Health Services
Subject: HIV/STD prevention, testing, symptoms, referral information
Audience: Spanish-speaking persons seeking HIV/STD information in Texas
Title: “Stomp Out Syphilis” 60-second Spanish language radio spot
Format: Radio spot
Producer: Texas Department of State Health Services
Subject: Syphilis symptoms, treatment and prevention
Audience: Spanish-speaking persons at risk for syphilis in Texas Department of State Health Services
PMRP Vote: RECOMMENDED (4 approved-1 abstained)

Materials Reviewed - 2010

Title: The Hard Way
Format: Video
Producer: Select Media
Subject: HIV/STD Prevention, Safer Sex, Relationships
Audience: Teens
Title: Nicole's Choice
Format: Video
Producer: Select Media
Subject: STD Prevention, Safer Sex, Relationships
Audience: Teens
Title: All Falls Down
Format: Video
Producer: Scenarios USA
Subject: HIV/STD Prevention, Teens, Relationships
Audience: Teens