Carefully read the Notice of Violation Explanation and Guide for Response included with the notice
In your letter, include statements describing the steps taken to correct each violation and prevent it's recurrence, and list the date compliance was achieved.
Respond to each violation individually.
When in doubt, call the technical reviewer listed on the notice.
Do not return the notice of violation. Keep it for your records.
Include all requested documentation
The responses must be signed, and dated by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) that is listed on the Certificate of Registration.
Is the registration number referenced in your letter?
Is the inspection number referenced in your letter?
Is your letter addressed to the technical reviewer listed on the Notice?
Does your letter address each violation individually?
Does your letter include a description of the steps taken to correct each violation?
Does your letter include a description of the steps taken to prevent the recurrence of each violation?
Does your letter include the date compliance was achieved for each violation?
Did you include all requested documentation?
Did the RSO listed on the Certificate of Registration sign, and date the response?
Book traversal links for Tips for Answering a Notice of Violation