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Microbiology Laboratory Tests: Acanthamoeba

Acanthamoeba (Microscopic-Direct Exam; Trichrome Stained Slide)

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Test Includes:


Results Available: Contact #s: 512-458-7560.


Turnaround Time:  Direct exam 24 hours Reference Range:
Limitations: Interpretation:

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Collection: Sample Type:
Volume/Amount Required: Preferred Specimen:  Eye Wash; Cornial Biopsy; Contact Lens/Fluid
Collection/Preservation: Storage Instructions:
Causes for Rejection: Sample Container:
Sample Test Kit: Availability:
Diagnostic Information:  Eye washing and/or eye scraping will be examined as a direct wet smear and also set up for culture. A trichrome stained slide may be made to confirm positive specimens.

Specimen Submission

Required Request Form: G-2B Specimen Handling:
Transport Temperature:  Ambient (Room) temperature Shipping Requirements:


CPT Code: 87209 Fees:

Aerobic Bacterial Culture, Stool (Isolation)

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Test Includes: Conventional biochemicals, EHEC Toxin test, PCR.


Results Available: 3-7 days Contact #s: (512) 458-7582.


Method: Conventional biochemical studies, EHEC Toxin test, PCR for virulence factors.  
Turnaround Time:  3-7 days dependent on organism(s) isolated. Reference Range:  Negative for enteric pathogens.
Limitations: Stools must be collected before antibiotic treatment is initiated for greatest chance of isolation of pathogens. Stool specimens must be in enteric preservative or shipped immediately overnight on ice packs. Preservatives used for parasite examinations are not acceptable for bacteriological examinations. Interpretation: Salmonella species, Shigella species, E. coli O157:H7, Shiga toxin producing E. coli; Campylobacter species, Vibrio species, Yersinia enterocolitica, Aeromonas species should be considered significant findings. Significance of other enteric organisms should be determined based on clinical information.

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Collection: Collection of fresh stools. Sample Type: Stool; rectal swabs.
Volume/Amount Required: >10mL for liquid stools; > 20 g solid or semi-solid stools. Preferred Specimen:  Stool in enteric transport media or on ice packs.
Collection/Preservation: Collect in appropriate container to avoid leakage and keep between 2-8°C. If not transported to the laboratory within 24 hours of collection, transfer specimen to an enteric transport media before transporting to the laboratory. Storage Instructions: Keep stools between 2-8°C.
Causes for Rejection: Submitted for culture studies: Unpreserved specimens not received on ice packs or 
> 24 hours old. Received in transport media not recommended for bacterial isolation or expired transport media.
Submitted for toxin studies: Specimen > 7 days old unless frozen at -70°C.
Sample Container: Sealable container that will avoid leakage; Transport media containers such as Cary-Blair, Aimes, or Stuart’s transport.
Sample Test Kit: Availability: Routinely Tested Monday – Friday.
Outbreak investigations may include testing outside these routine test dates.
Diagnostic Information:  Stool culture for isolation of Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, Enterotoxigenic E. coli, E. coli O157:H7; Vibrio is performed by TDSHS in outbreak situations through TDSHS IDEAS department only.  Toxin Testing for Shiga toxin E. coli is available upon request.  See Escherichia coli 0157:H7 or other Shiga toxin E. coli (Toxin Testing). Please indicate suspected organism(s) when submitting specimen.  Culture includes the isolation and identification.  Specimens should be collected in the acute phase of infection.  Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible, usually within 48 hours.

Specimen Submission

Required Request Form: G-2B Specimen Handling: Body fluids must be handled using universal precautions. Specimens should be collected in the acute phase of infection. Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible, within 24 hours unless in transport media.
Transport Temperature: 2-8° C, 24 hours Shipping Requirements: Triple contained in accordance with federal shipping regulations for diagnostic specimens.


CPT Code: 87081 (screening), 87040, 87045, 87046, 87070, 87071, 87073 87077, 87143, 87147, 87181, 87205, 87206, 87210, 87278, 87430, 87449
